Analytics Review

Websites have the most potential for success when you can measure their performance and base important decisions on your visitors’ behavior.

Oss Design Studio’s web strategy experts are available to consult on ways to optimize your site, converting visitors into customers. Learn how to increase rankings and targeted traffic with an analytics review.


The percentage of clients that do not have Google Analytics properly set up prior to working with us.

Analyzing traffic and conversions

The ABCs of Analytics

Analytics is designed to support the analysis of traffic and conversions. Within your Analytics dashboard, you’ll see the ABCs of the funnel and our focus for this portion of your analytics review: Audience, Acquisitions, Behavior, Conversion.

We’ll document what’s working well and areas for optimization. We’ll examine traffic sources, acquisition reports, top pages and paths, behavior reports, page values, conversion rates and goal completions.

Then we’ll dive deeper into the data to understand which visitors are the least likely to engage with the site. We’ll analyze exit rates and together we’ll learn which pages are least helpful at supporting conversions so you can start making improvements and seeing immediate results.

Aligned with business goals for ongoing optimization

A website should never stand still. After all, digital ink is never dry.

That’s why the key to smart marketing involves making regular updates and decisions based on metrics, not assumptions. We’ll build you a website optimized for SEO and for conversions. But it will never be finished.

To truly maximize your results and investment, you need to check in on the data.

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