Keyphrase Research

Keyphrase research should be central to your website SEO plan and design and development of your site. Designed to increase traffic and convert visitors, your site is your greatest marketing tool.

Keyphrase research helps align the content on your pages with the SEO topics that people are searching. Once you know what visitors want, you can create web content that they’ll really enjoy.


Website visits that originate from a search engine. (source: Conductor)

Plan the pages for your site

People are searching for your goods or services right now. Will they find you or will they end up on a competitor’s site?

Create your content around strategically chosen keyphrases to appear in more searches and reach more people.

Build a sitemap around key topics

Keyphrases help define your content structure.

A sitemap is the building block of your entire site. It’s what dictates the pages you need and the path your visitors will travel between them.

Assigning key topics to each page ensures your visitors will find exactly what they’re looking for on your site.

Show up in more searches & attract more visitors

Use keyphrases to engage the people who are searching for your content.

Your site should contain relevant landing pages, thus becoming a magnet for new subscribers. Align pages to keyphrases and structure your content to build trust.

Then guide visitors towards specific calls to action that encourage engagement and help you generate new leads.

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